RWTH Aachen University
Visual Programming Lecturer: Martin von Hilchen; Univ.-Prof. Dr. techn. Sigrid Brell-Cokcan
Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet: Individualized Production in Architecture                                         Modulsprache: Englisch

The project is a parametric design project based on the lessons learned through the Visual Programming course. It starts by analysis of design and manufacturing considerations of the introduced architectural project. The goal is to design a parametric model of the building that draws on the principles of translational surfaces and manufacturing.
Reichstags Kuppel - Foster + Partners
•This is a replica of the 1999 build Reichstag Kuppelby the famous British architecture studio Foster & Partners.
•The replica was created using the Parametric Design tool Grasshopper
•What makes it special is that with Parametric Design software it is very easy to change certain parameters of the building and therefore create many variants of one building in realtime.
The Dome
-In Rhino referenced curve is used as base for dome Surface
-the surface is then sub surfaced
-surfaces are created by offsetting and extracting
The Crown
-the crown was created by selecting the top curve via a list
-then moving offsetting and extracting to create the top beam
-forthesupportI divided the source curve
-filtered for ½ of the points and weaved between the top and bottom
Crown Parameters

Dome Parameters

The Cone 
-starting with an xzplane and a reference curve
-creating a surface which is then divided
-using horizontal and vertical curves for beams and glass panels
-filtering top offset curve to create platform
-through offsetting and moving railing and seating is created
The Ramp
-starting with an xzplane and an ellipse and two helix
-creating aelliptical surface and using it to pull the helix curves on to it
-creating horizontal frames on the curve but only usingthenegativesideofit
-based on that creating lines along the curve to the middle axes
-lofting to get a surface and then using the curves as a reference for the rest

Cone Parameters

Ramp Parameters

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