RWTH Aachen University
Bachelorthesis Sommersemester 2023: Milica Lopicic; Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Milenkovic; Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Anne-Julchen Bernhardt
Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet: Lehrstuhl für Gebäudelehre und Grundlagen des Entwerfens
Bachelorthesis Sommersemester 2023: Milica Lopicic; Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Milenkovic; Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Anne-Julchen Bernhardt
Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet: Lehrstuhl für Gebäudelehre und Grundlagen des Entwerfens
Modulsprache: Englisch
Gewinner des BDA Masters Wettbewerb 2023
"Die Arbeit von Jonathan Wahl beschäftigt sich mit der Transformation und Neuprogrammierung von zwei Kirchen in Perast an der Küste von Montenegro. Abgeleitet aus der handwerklichen Tradition des Ortes werden die obsoleten Sakralräume mit einer Bootswerkstatt neu lesbar und konkret nutzbar gemacht. Die architektonischen Eingriffe aus Subtraktion und Addition verhandeln dabei die Bedingungen der existierenden Struktur mit den funktionalen Erfordernissen des neuen Programms.
Durch einen Schnitt durch die gewachsene Struktur der nebeneinanderliegenden Sakral-räume werden diese räumlich zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt und die Zugänglichkeit der Bootswerkstatt zum Wasser hergestellt. Der subtrahierte Gebäudeteil wird im Gegenzug an einem anderen Ort in Perast wiedererrichtet und komplettiert ein bestehendes Ensemble. Die Transformationsstrategien, die in der Arbeit an einem spezifischen Ort entwickelt wer-den, haben über die konkrete Aufgabenstellung hinaus auch einen prototypischen Charakter und können auf eine Vielzahl von Bestandssituationen auch in unserem näheren Kontext übertragen werden. In dem „Experimentalaufbau“ werden dabei wesentliche Fragestellungen zu Um-, An- und Weiterbauen adressiert: Wie können Transformationspotenziale in bestehenden Strukturen identifiziert und aktiviert werden? Welche programmatischen Optionen verbergen sich in bestehenden Strukturen? Wie kann das bereits existierende als Ressource für Neues nutzbar gemacht werden?"
Durch einen Schnitt durch die gewachsene Struktur der nebeneinanderliegenden Sakral-räume werden diese räumlich zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt und die Zugänglichkeit der Bootswerkstatt zum Wasser hergestellt. Der subtrahierte Gebäudeteil wird im Gegenzug an einem anderen Ort in Perast wiedererrichtet und komplettiert ein bestehendes Ensemble. Die Transformationsstrategien, die in der Arbeit an einem spezifischen Ort entwickelt wer-den, haben über die konkrete Aufgabenstellung hinaus auch einen prototypischen Charakter und können auf eine Vielzahl von Bestandssituationen auch in unserem näheren Kontext übertragen werden. In dem „Experimentalaufbau“ werden dabei wesentliche Fragestellungen zu Um-, An- und Weiterbauen adressiert: Wie können Transformationspotenziale in bestehenden Strukturen identifiziert und aktiviert werden? Welche programmatischen Optionen verbergen sich in bestehenden Strukturen? Wie kann das bereits existierende als Ressource für Neues nutzbar gemacht werden?"
-Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten
"Naόs - Anchoring Perast‘s Future" stands at the intersection of tradition and tourism in Perast, Montenegro. While the growing tourism generates revenue, it threatens to dilute the maritime heritage of the village and increasingly occupy public space. My solution transforms the Church of San Nicolo into a multifunctional boat workshop, serving both as a cultural anchor point and an alternative source of income.
Architecturally, I opt for a respectful intervention that dissolves the existing structures of the intertwined churches and optimizes them for my purpose. The part removed in the intervention is reused at another location on Perast's island as a small open-air church and thus becomes part of the Gospa od Škrpjela legend. Copper doors serve as an elegant and functional locking system, while the large gate is opened for maritime ceremonies and acts as a symbol that unites the community.
The task was to reclaim the public space in Perast that has been gradually dominated by the tourism industry. To achieve this, I envisioned an architectural solution that not only empowers the local community but also addresses the challenges brought about by the rise of tourism. I recognized the importance of reintroducing blue-collar work into Perast as a means of strengthening the community and restoring a sense of identity. By transforming the central Church of St. Nicholas into a boatbuilding workshop, we can provide locals with valuable skills and reconnect them with their maritime heritage. This initiative serves as a powerful symbol of revitalization and reclamation, reinforcing Perast’s unique identity. The boatbuilding workshop will not only offer a source of opportunity but also serve as a communal hub for the local community. It will encourage people to gather, collaborate, and engage in a diverse range of crafts and trades. By fostering such interactions, we can create a sense of pride and ownership in the public spaces of the village, allowing locals to reclaim their sense of place. One significant aspect of this endeavor is the belief that by encouraging more blue-collar workers to go about their day in Perast, we can stimulate the local economy and promote a more balanced social landscape. This involves providing affordable lunch options and encouraging locals to enjoy their meals in public spaces, reinforcing the idea of shared ownership. By contrast, many workers in the tourism industry are not afforded the same freedom, often confined to designated areas. Ultimately, through the “Naós: Anchoring Perast’s Future” project, my goal is to create an architectural design that reclaims the public space, preserves the community’s unique identity, strengthens social connections, and promotes a sustainable balance between tourism and local life. The boatbuilding workshop, housed within the Church of St. Nicholas, will be a testament to Perast’s resilience and serve as a beacon of hope for a brighter future.
Analysis :
The San Nicolo Church in Perast, Montenegro, presents an unusual architectural situation. Began in the 17th century, the construction emulated the style of the Venetian architect Andrea Palladio but was abruptly halted and was never finished. As a result, it enveloped the smaller older church that already existed on site, which surprisingly wasn’t demolished. Over time, the two churches have fused, one built into the other. Discovering this unique configuration, I found myself intrigued and decided to address the situation . Respectful of Perast’s rich maritime heritage, I proposed transforming both churches into a boat-building workshop. This approach simultaneously breathes new life into these historic structures and reinforces the town’s connection with its seafaring past. By reusing the churches in this way, we can maintain the local community’s cultural and historical identities while providing a practical, relevant use for these structures. The repurposing into a boat-building workshop promises to add another fascinating chapter to the enduring narrative of Perast, linking its past, present, and future.
Concept :
Documentation :
Upon completion of a ship, an engaging sequence of events unfolds. The main gate of the Assembly Hall, a striking feature made of copper, is lifted fully by an overhead crane. This movement not only allows passage for the ship but also serves as a visual indicator to the rest of the village, signalling that the christening ceremony is imminent.
Once the gate is raised, the newly built ship embarks on its inaugural journey, guided along rails that lead directly to the shoreline. Here, in the presence of the village and against the backdrop of the sea, the christening takes place. With blessings and celebrations, the vessel is released into the sea, marking its successful completion and the enduring spirit of Perast’s maritime tradition.
Once the gate is raised, the newly built ship embarks on its inaugural journey, guided along rails that lead directly to the shoreline. Here, in the presence of the village and against the backdrop of the sea, the christening takes place. With blessings and celebrations, the vessel is released into the sea, marking its successful completion and the enduring spirit of Perast’s maritime tradition.
The boatyard within the repurposed San Nicolo Church is arranged to support all stages of boat construction, comprising three specialized workshops, an office space, and an assembly hall.
1. Wood Workshop
This area is specifically designed for working with wood. Here, carpenters shape and assemble wooden boat components, including the hull, deck, and interior fittings.
This area is specifically designed for working with wood. Here, carpenters shape and assemble wooden boat components, including the hull, deck, and interior fittings.
2. Metal Workshop
This workshop is dedicated to metalwork. All metal-related tasks, from cutting and welding to fitting and finishing, are conducted in this specialized environment.
This workshop is dedicated to metalwork. All metal-related tasks, from cutting and welding to fitting and finishing, are conducted in this specialized environment.
3. Oil-Based Workshop
This space is reserved for work involving oil-based products and synthetics. Tasks can range from molding plastic parts to painting and applying other finishes to the vessels.
This space is reserved for work involving oil-based products and synthetics. Tasks can range from molding plastic parts to painting and applying other finishes to the vessels.
4. Office
This space is designated for administrative tasks, including design, planning, and client consultations, serving as the operational hub of the boatyard.
This space is designated for administrative tasks, including design, planning, and client consultations, serving as the operational hub of the boatyard.
5. Assembly Hall
This is where all the components from the three workshops come together. The final assembly of the boats takes place here, leading up to their eventual launch.
This is where all the components from the three workshops come together. The final assembly of the boats takes place here, leading up to their eventual launch.
The boatyard can be accessed through either the main entrances of the former church or a convenient side entrance, supporting ease of movement and operational efficiency. When operational needs arise, the layout of the boatyard is flexible and adaptable. The gates separating the different areas can be opened to connect the office and the Wood Workshop directly to the Assembly Hall. This creates an expanded, integrated workspace outside facilitating seamless movement of personnel, materials, and partially completed vessels, enhancing both the efficiency and the collaborative spirit of the boatbuilding process.
Copper was chosen as the key material for the workshop’s new gates, connecting the design with the deep-rooted boatbuilding traditions of Perast.
Oxidized copper has long been used in this craft to shield wooden boat hulls from biofouling, ensuring both the vessel’s speed and a clean hull devoid of unwanted organisms.
Oxidized copper has long been used in this craft to shield wooden boat hulls from biofouling, ensuring both the vessel’s speed and a clean hull devoid of unwanted organisms.
The choice of copper for the workshop’s gates is not only practical but also meaningful. It resonates with the architecture of Perast, where the same material is seen in the form of oxidized copper elements on windows and doors throughout the town.
This design choice pays homage to the rich maritime history of the town and underlines the ongoing relevance of these traditions. It reflects the enduring influence that boatbuilding has had on Perast’s built environment, hinting at the continuation of this legacy into the future.